১০ অক্টোবর ২০২৩

where Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) migrated (Jerusalem)." [Abu Dawud]

 Zaid lbn Thabit (ra) reports that the Prophet (s) said, "'How blessed is Al-Sham!" The Companions

(ra) asked, "Why is that?". The Messenger (s) replied, "I see the Angels of Allah spreading their wings over Al-Sham". Ibn Abbas (ra) added, "And the Prophets lived therein. There is not a singleinch in Al-Quds (Jerusalem) where a Prophet has not prayed or an Angel not stood". [Tirmidhi, Ahmad]

Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrates that the Prophet (s) said, "On the night journey Allah's Apostle (s) was taken on a night journey (Al-Isra and Al-Miraj), two cups, one containing wine and the other containing milk were presented to him (s) at Al-Quds (Jerusalem). He looked at them and took the

cup of milk. Angel Gabriel said, "Praise be to Allah, who guided you to Al-Fitrah (the right path); if you

had taken (the cup of) wine, your Ummah would have gone astray". [Bukhari]

Maymunah Bint Sa'd (ra) reports that she asked the Prophet (s), ""O Messenger of Allah, give us a

pronouncement about Al-Quds (Jerusalem)". The Prophet s replied, "It is the land where they will

be raised (Al-Hashr) and gathered (Al-Mahshar). " [Ahmad, Tabarani]

Umamah Al-Bahili (ee M rs) reports that the Prophet (#) said, "A group of my Ummah will remain on truth, they will resist their enemy and those who disappoint them will not be able to harm them until Allah commands." "Where are these people?" the companions (ra) asked. The Prophet (s) said, "In and around Al-Quds  (Jerusalem)". [Ahmad]

Abdullah Ibn Umar (ra) reports that the Prophet s said, "There will be migration upon migration. The best of the inhabitants of earth will reside 

Shadad lbn Aws (ra) reports that the Prophet (s) said, "Al-Sham will be conquered and Al-Quds (Jerusalem) will be conquered and you or your sons will be lmams there, if Allah wills". [Tabarani]

Abu Umama (ra) reports that the Prophet (s) said, "Prophethood descended upon me in three

places: Makkah, Madinah and Al-Sham. Once it is brought out from any of them, it shall never return

to it". (Abu Dawud) 

In another narration it states, "The Quran was revealed in three places - Makkah,

Madinah and Al-Sham." (Tab

বৈশিষ্ট্যযুক্ত পোস্ট

আল্ কুরআন, সুরা ইয়াছিন ৩৬

  আল্ কুরআন, সুরা ইয়াছিন ৩৬  অনুবাদ, অর্থ  সহ সুরা ইয়াছিন ঃ- (36:0) بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ অনুবাদ:    পরম করুণাময় মেহেরবান আ...

জনপ্রিয় লেখা সমূহ